Speaking on Sun Online’s “Editor’s Question” program, Hamdhaan said that they are in discussions with a foreign agency to secure this funding, and some surveys related to this have already been conducted. He also mentioned that they are in the process of clarifying some necessary details. “At this juncture, we are working to set the loan agreements and loan terms in a way that is most beneficial to the Maldivian state. We expect to receive the finance within the next two months at the latest,” Hamdhaan said.

Explaining the reason for the need for additional funds for this project, Hamdhaan stated that the previous government had removed many aspects from the project’s scope. This includes important components such as landscaping, garbage chutes, commercial lifts, signage, parking areas, booster pumps, boom gates, finger cables, sewage connections, and water connections. “About an hour before signing the project, booster pumps used to pump water to the upper floors of the building were removed from the project scope,” Hamdhaan said.

Hamdhaan noted that due to all these issues, securing new finance for a previously financed project is a significant challenge. However, he stated that they are working to obtain this funding as quickly as possible.

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